
The Services We Provide


The Australian superannuation system is one of the best retirement saving schemes in the world and should not be taken for granted. However, it can be quite a complicated area when each year various governments tinker with the superannuation laws in their annual budgets.

The importance of starting saving as early as possible cannot be overstated, however it is never too late to begin. Super is a compounding machine and as investment returns cannot be touched until conditions of release are met, it is often our most valuable asset in retirement. Getting your super in order as soon as possible can be the difference between retiring when and how you choose and not having the luxury of that choice. Things such as consolidating accounts, reducing fees and selecting the right investment strategy can make all the difference when it comes time to retire.

When helping you develop a plan for retirement, superannuation is almost always at the centre of that plan and is often the first thing on the list to adjust. Our services will help ensure that you maximise the opportunity that superannuation provides and live the best retired life possible.



Self managed super has been a popular way for investors to gain better control over their retirement savings and in some cases, reduce fees. At Port Phillip Financial Services, we can help organise and manage existing funds to help you get the most out of your savings.

If you are interested in starting a self managed super fund, we can assist you in evaluating whether it is right for you and if so, how to cost effectively start and run your fund.



A great way to secure your financial future is to start setting aside any excess money that you earn. Whilst it may not feel like much at first, small contributions into an investment account can add up to large sums of money over time. At Port Phillip Financial Services, we can help you budget to set aside excess earnings and set up an investment account to make your money work harder for you to realise your short and long term goals.

Alternatively, you may have recently come across a sum of money from an inheritance or another source. We understand how much this money means to you and we can help ensure that it is put to the best possible use either through investing or spending. Sometimes the way to make the best returns is not to invest at all but to reduce debt and cover bills, in these cases we can help you identify the way in which you can get the most from your money.


Retirement Planning

It is never too early or too late to start planning for retirement, it is just as important for a young couple in their twenty’s as it is for someone within a few years of leaving the workforce. At Port Phillip Financial Services, we encourage people of all ages to think about their retirement. What does it look like to you? What kind of lifestyle are you expecting? It is these questions that will help us create a plan, to give you the best possible chance of retiring when and how you want to.

For a younger person the focus is on saving, superannuation and growth, once you start getting closer this shifts to generating an income stream and continuing to build on the capital base to create a long term source of funds.

No matter your stage, we can help you plan for the future and live life your way.


Estate Planning

Passing on our legacy to those closest to us is something everyone must consider at some stage in life. Whether you have a large portfolio of assets, or several items of high emotional value, we are here to help you establish a strategy to ensure tax effective transition of your resources to the next generation. We have established relationships with solicitors to ensure you receive the best comprehensive advice available.

  • Do you have an up to date will?
  • Have you recently reviewed your Powers of Attorney?
  • Is your superannuation binding death benefit nomination up to date?
  • Does you estate planning take into consideration any other separate legal entities?

If you are unable to answer any of the above with a yes, make an appointment to talk to us about implementing a strategy.


Aged Care

Aged care can be an extremely complex field to navigate and it can often be difficult to broach the subject with loved ones. Each person’s situation is different and an aged care related financial plan will take into account these circumstances to help you ensure that the best outcome is reached for your parent or grandparent.

It can be important that some awkward conversations are had before they are immediately necessary so that the person in need of care has the opportunity to have a say in their living situation.  We have a Centrelink expert on hand to ensure that all relevant facts are taken into account including the family home, other assets and income. You can be confident that the very best outcome is achieved for the lowest cost when a sound plan is developed with us.


A 1/73 Canadian Bay Rd, Mount Eliza VIC 3930 
E [email protected]
P (
03) 8790 7701

Disclosure Statement

Port Phillip Financial Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Eventus Wealth Management Pty Ltd (AFSL 335815).
Copyright © 2025, Port Phillip Financial Services All rights reserved.

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Mount Eliza, VIC, 3930